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Map Room Tour

Visit Southwick House and the famous D-Day Wall Map.

Preserved in its original position and set for H-Hour, D-Day. Southwick House was the forward headquarters of SHEAF where D-Day was planned and launched in June 1944.

In the iconic D-Day Map Room, General Dwight D Eisenhower, surrounded by the Supreme Commanders, took the decision to first postpone and then to launch D-Day, with the words “OK – Let’s Go!”.

Map Room visitors will find themselves immersed in the atmosphere of the day as they learn about the enormous pressure Ike was under as he took that momentous decision.


Southwick House Map Room Experience :

All the benefits of the general entry ticket PLUS

  • Access to Gold car park Transport to and from Southwick House via period shuttle bus

  • Entry to Southwick House and the famous D-Day Wall Map, preserved in its original position and set for H-Hour, D-Day.

  • Special 45 minute talk in the Map Room Entry to Royal Military Police Museum within Southwick Park


Tickets go on sale to eNewsletter subscribers via a password protected site mid March.

To avoid disappointment, subscribe to our eNewsletter and when tickets are released, eNews subscribers will receive an email with a priority booking link.

  • Return trip to village event Five tours per day. The tour will last approx. 1 hour and 45 minutes including transport, map room talk and RMP museum.

  • Choose from departures; 9:45am, 11am, 12:15pm, 13:30pm and 14:45pm

  • Strictly limited to 70 people per tour Entry to Southwick House to ticket holders only, riding in shuttle bus.

  • No direct entry via main gate. Shuttle bus returns visitors to the bus stop

    £25 per person



General Dwight D. Eisenhower

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